How to Become a Comedian When Youre Not Funny
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12 Steps to become Standup comedian
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Sep 30
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Write down joke ideas in a notebook
Write down your thoughts or any stance occurrences that strike your funny bone in a notebook. You don't need to write the complete incident just write down situations, lines, or any past incidents that seem fun and you can use it as material for future jokes.
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From one or two funny incidents make a joke
Write a longer joke and anecdotes from the ideas you have noted bases on what you find funny. Find out the ways to present material in surprising, exciting, unexpected, and bizarre ways. Lead audience in one direction then suddenly surprise them with a twist with some punchline.

Learn from other comedians
You can learn a lot of things from established standup comedians by just watching and listening to their videos. You can also go to a local comedy club to watch them and also watch their videos online. Pay attention to them and take inspiration from them. Carefully notice how they link one incident to another and create a joke, proper timing everything as much as you can.
Properly organize your set skills
Once you have noted all your incident then take some time, think properly, and organize your ideas into a coherent structure. Open and end your setlist with big jokes. Your audience will be disappointed if you are open with a big joke and end normally. You have to balance it. Start and end with equally funny material.

Choose a performance style
The performance style is equally important as the setlist. If you said everything in one expression then it will fall flat. To make people laugh, you have to choose a style of performance that matches your personality and jokes. Some comedians choose to be manic and jump with excessive energy. And some people deliver their jokes with the same tone and expression in a comic way.
Organize your movements and facial expressions
Famous standup comedians tend to perform with a specific hand gestures, facial expressions, and body movements to evoke laughs from the crowd. You can move around the stage during your performance or stand there and perform by using your funny body movements. You can also make funny faces at certain points during the performance to make people laugh.

Learn and rehearse your setlist
Memorizing can be challenging but important too if you forget any dialogue or joke in the mid-act then your audience won't find it funny. Rehearse your setlist practice at home in front of the mirror. Don't be afraid to revise do it when you get time. During rehearsal, if you find one or two jokes don't seem as funny as others then swap it with other funnier material.
Ask for feedback from your family and friends
Once you think your setlist is completed and good to go in front of people then deliver it in front of people like your family and friends and ask them for feedback. Carefully listen to their feedback and respond accordingly with positivity. By doing this you can gain more confidence and easily deliver jokes in front of your audience.

Start performing at open mics asap
The only way to improve your comedy performance is by performing in front of the crowd. Open mics are a great way to start they don't put pressure on fresher's and it is free. You can learn a lot of things like how to deliver your jokes, body language, confidence, experience, etc. Go to a local comedy club and look for an upcoming open mic.
Develop your persona as a Comic
Once you start delivering jokes in public you need to develop a comic voice or presence that you will use during your performance. Find out what persona and voice work best for your particular type of comedy and your audience enjoys it.

Get to know about other standup comedians in your city
Make a good relationship with other standup comedians, venue owners, and event organizers as making connections is always valuable to get yourself noticed. If you meet with a more established comedian then talk to them and try to make a good connection so you get to know about good venues and all.
Don't be afraid of failure
Failure is the part of success no comedian starts perfectly funny. Someday people enjoy your joke and someday they don't find it funny. Don't worry every successful standup comedian face these things in their struggling age. But remember these things will help you to become a successful comedian one day.
By: Sananda Kumari
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